Smt. Rama Devi educational Trust has been established in the memory of Smt Rama Devi one of the pioneer social worker in Bansgaon, Gorakhpur and adjoining districts.The trust is a non profit trust established on 16/07/2009. The main objective of the trust is to promote education and social activities to harmonious social and cultural intent in people at large. Sinse inception the trust has been endeavoring hard to educate and uplift of the children of backword an underdeveloped area.
S.R. Degree College is an educational institutition which is located in pollution free environment which is 27 km away from Gorakhpur one of the biggest city of purvanchal. The institute has a beautifull and grand building. The institute is in rural area to serve the needy and poor students. The institution has avery big play round. The institute has acomputer centre for its students which is free of cost. The institute has avery big library. It has Four class rooms of big sizes with facility of multi-purpose hall, canteen, parking etc..